So here i am
Plug in the headset, Sit alone, While having a cup of coffee
Wait.. Where am i? What am i feeling?
It's like i've been here before, But this time it's quite different
Should it be happen again? Should i be the one who step back and watch everything just happens?
Let everyone leave me here. And all i can do is nothing
It's like, such as old wounds are re-felt
But this time, a different kind of wound.
Maybe, it's even more in pain
"Being replaced. I swear, that shit hurts more than a break up"
It feels like yesterday.. When i was hurt and crying all night
Even the wound in my heart hasn't healed yet
I was in the middle of the road.. I was scared
Scared of loving someone, Scared of getting hurt for the same reason
But then i found this guy. I've tried to hold the feelings, But i just can't
Then i tried to give him my broken heart. I just thought he could fix it
Then he took it with him.
First, I was afraid of falling. But then i saw him there
My fears faded
Then i gave my heart and i let myself fall
I believe that he'd catch me there and hold me tight
I was falling, Falling so deep. Deeper and deeper
It's maybe even too deep
Until suddenly he says "No. I can't fix your heart. I have another girl's heart to be kept, and it's more worth it than you" He gave me back my heart. And now, my heart hurts more than before
I can't stop my self from falling.. I kept falling and falling
But he's not there anymore
A guy who i thought would catch me when i fall, Now has walked away and gone.
I kept falling and falling. With no one to catch me.
And it hurts.
My fears become true
I shouldn't have fallen too hard again
If i knew it would only take me in to the same shits again
I would never let my self fall again
Now i know, it was all just an illusion
What else can i do? I've fallen. I've been hurt.
So bad. Too bad
So here i am.
But it's okay.
I'm fine
Like always, Huh? :)
Apple Orchard Central Mn
8 months ago
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