Did you know that feeling?
Feelings of being hurt over and over again?
When you've been hurt so badly by someone you love
But you still give them another chance again and again, And then that person just throw it away like that again and again
Feeling of betrayed.
When you've been trust a person, But then you found out you made a big mistake
When you've been defending someone in front of the world, But then you found out he did something else behind your back
Feeling of being fooled
It's like you did everything for nothing.
Like, it makes you think..
Is it just me?
Is it my fault for being so positive to the person I love?
Is it my fault to shut my eyes, and trust him with all my heart?
Am i being too dumb?
I hate him. Yes I hate him
I said it for a million times, But still hanging on to the same place till now..
It's like a curse for me, Like.. some kind of fate for me to get hurt over and over again
I don't know what to say anymore, I'm sick of this things.
I've been holding on to nothing, Trusting everything like an idiot
I'm not even upset and angry anymore. I'm just tired..
Tired for feeling like this, Tired of fighting and holding on for some bullshits.
I'm so so tired of getting hurt
Getting my hopes so high, and then being disappointed again
I don't even know what's the point anymore.
I wish, I could just forget all of these feelings
Clean up all of the damn memories
Or at least, I wish i had no heart.
The only things on my mind right now is:
How many times do we forgive someone just simply because we still want them in our life, Eventhough they don't deserve our forgiveness?
Yes. For hundreds time..
I forgive U. Like I always did
I love U. Like I always did
Apple Orchard Central Mn
8 months ago
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